Professional Head Shot Lounge
Today's image and branding is all about digital identity. Whether you add a head shot to your email signature line or on your company's contact us page, it's a smart "calling card" of sorts while helping your connections put a face with a name. Companies and personal brands are starting to get that. Even if you are only going to use your head shot on social media like LinkedIn, you need an image that is branded, fresh and professional.
Rule of thumb, head shots should be updated at least once a year or to keep pace with major changes either within the company or for personal use. Go beyond the one shot option, have different looks that can be used for multi marketing efforts. It’s nice to update the head shot, keeps your look fresh and current.
Still not sure? Think about this, when somebody changes their profile picture on a social media platform, it gets the most likes out of anything they posted that year. The people following you on these platforms want to see you. They’re looking for you.

Step and Repeat Photography with onsite Printing
Glamorous, professional, and stylish, a Step & Repeat red carpet photographer adds a sophisticated feel to your event. Become a celebrity with your own personal paparazzi! Photos of you and your guest are printed right there at the event in less than 7 seconds. Your logo and the logos of your sponsors, affiliates, vendors, and more will be displayed prominently on your backdrop.

Professional Photo Booth
A photo booth is a fantastic way to socialize with your guests and make them really feel like a part of your event as you capture great memories together and spend time with your fellow guests.
a well-chosen professional photo booth not only provides a fun experience and entertainment, but it gives your guests something to remember the event by. The lighting and effects will make anyone feel more confident taking pictures in front of it. For truly fabulous photos taken for all the attendees, an awesome photo booth is exactly what’s needed.

Professional Business Portraits
Whether for a social profile or your company’s website, the quality and style of your head shot conveys a lot about you as a person and signals how you conduct business. An outdoor shot in casual attire conveys a very different sense than a portrait in a business suit against a solid color backdrop.
The type of photo that’s right for your business is a branding decision, but regardless of the business you are in, a blurry or poorly cropped picture conveys a sense a sloppiness and a lack of attention to detail that carries over to your organization’s reputation.

Professional Branding Portraits
It’s important to have a visual brand that presents you in the best light, with an up-to-date look that you feel fabulous about. How a brand is perceived affects its success.
The importance of great imagery and how the right styling and consistent imagery can help you not only convey quality, but also help you successfully tell your company story and create alignment across your brand.
Branding images also encourage confidence and trust in you and the product or service you are offering because you are showing who you are not just what you do and what you are selling. Today’s customers are more and more wanting to connect with the person behind the business and their story.

Event Photography
Professional quality means professional results. You want your company to be seen as well rounded and thoughtfully planned out. A professional photographer has the ability to portray your company exactly as you want it presented to your clients.
The Professional images reflect your company, your brand and your professionalism. People want to see a true picture of your company’s values. Providing them with images that are in direct relation to your company will allow them to feel more connected.